Maybe we're goin through rainy season here in Indonesia, and today I walked slowly beneath the falling teardrops of the broken-hearted sky with protection from my newly bought umbrella :D yeah.. it succesfully kept me away from being the main actress of a drama who showers in the rain xD
Believe it or not, I do think that rain somehow affects one's mood ~ I mean, I tend to feel some kind of gloomy, dark, melancholy inside.. and yes, the song 'on rainy days' always come to my mind at times.
Here it is :
I felt so upset at the moment then I complained, and I wish to have the aircon repaired asap, a.s.a.p ! I walked back returning to my room and I accidentally met someone on the hallway.. I know, I must be crazy to have this thought, and I start guessing which level of insanity I'm in, cos I seriously think, this person looks like T.O.P :| I don't know how could this happen, and I don't think people will agree with this, even myself have a big doubt on it, but I keep thinking so ~ Oh please just kill me..
Crazy-Teen Top ~ "Stop, Stop Breaking My Heart.."
I looked thoroughly on this picture, try to make sure if the two really share similarities for me to have that weird, unique thought in mind.
I stared.. again and again, not taking off my eyes of him ~ and still I found no answer.
Ah ~ I put on JJ Lin's songs on playlist to calm my mind a bit, and I guess it works.. and this song somehow helped me to feel much much better, Endless Road.
Obviously, even a fool can tell, this is a sad song.. but it turned my bad mood into a better phase eh ? Yeah, this is me, with all these unsual, unexpected, unpredictable, beyond logic reactions :3
Oh how I love this man, JJ Lin.. this song, his voice touch my deepest heart ~ now I feel better and I told my self, smile.. there's nothing much, there's nothing I couldn't overcome :)
Have a nice day and Good night ^^